Antennaria rosea


pinkPussyToes 2


No experience.


pinkPussyToes 3

2008  Pink pussytoes transplant readily. In late spring after a rain or wet snow, when the pink pussytoes are still dormant, I remove plants from an area that is very thick with pussy toes. The pink pussytoes propagate by underground runners, forming a tangled mat. The main root system for each pink pussytoes plant is about 2 inches. I separate the pink pussytoes into small, distinct plants and place each plant where I desire pink pussytoes to grow. The above image shows some pink pussytoes that I transplanted this year between the flat rocks in a step.

Future Plans

2008  This year was the first that I saw pink pussytoes on our property. I will be transplanting more pink pussytoes and will try to collect some seed.