Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Also Called: Bearberry

kinnickinnick 3


No experience.

kinnickinnick 2

2008  Most kinnickinnick did not have berries this year due to our late summer drought. This is a close up of the kinnickinnick in the image at the top of this page. It was one of the few that had berries.


No experience.


2008  Early in the spring, before I saw any growth on the kinnickinnick, I transplanted a couple of small plants to the hillside by my steps. I was not able to water them all summer and, alas, both died.

Future Plans

2008  I am going to try transplanting small kinnickinnick plants again and, hopefully, be able to water them more often. The plants do not seem to have deep root systems, only very small surface roots off a main woody undergroung stem so kinnickinnick should be able to survive transplanting. I did not collect any berries as there were not many this year.